Scooting by Erin
My name is Erin and I’m a San Francisco Scooter Girl. I started riding in 2007 and never turned back. It’s an ingrained way of life now. I ride in the rain, I ride in the wind, I ride on the freeway, or way the heck out in the middle of nowhere on roads as
Lane-Splitting by Erin
A report that came out on this a while back stated that California had fewer deaths per registered bike than any other state in the union. I believe we have more fatalities when you look at just the numbers, but when you look at the fact that we have so many more riders our average

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About the SFSG


We are an all girls scooter club based in San Francisco. We started in 2004, and are going strong, 10 years later. We hope to see you at one of our events, rides, or come with us to a rally. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions!