2014 SFSG Rally Planning

First Rally Planning Meeting of 2014!

Hey All:

This year marks our 10th Anniversary and as you can imagine, it is a big year for us. We will be meeting to get theĀ outline laid out, and get our committees moving on this. Things we will need to decide:

Do we want to do a 3 day, 2 day, or 1 day Rally?

What kind of events do we want to have?

To Raffle or not to Raffle?

And perhaps the biggest – what are we going to call this one?

You don’t need to be a Big Patch Member to work on Rally Planning and it’s a good way to get to know the club, so if you have any interest in getting involved come on out to Sugarlump and say hello.


About The Author

Marketing Officer, Member Since: 2004

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About the SFSG


We are an all girls scooter club based in San Francisco. We started in 2004, and are going strong, 10 years later. We hope to see you at one of our events, rides, or come with us to a rally. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions!